
Biden Bike Fall Used by China to Mock U.S.

China’s Global Times government propaganda newspaper illustrated an article on Monday about President Joe Biden considering lifting tariffs on Chinese products with a photo of Biden falling off of a bicycle this weekend — an embarrassing image that went unmentioned in the article and had nothing to do with its contents.
Biden alarmed observers this weekend during a bicycle ride in Delaware on a family vacation when he stopped to speak to reporters and abruptly fell over.
Nikki Schwab / Daily Mail
Biden later claimed he was “feeling great” and that he had not suffered any health episode but had gotten his foot stuck in the pedal. The president did not appear to sustain any significant injury.
“What happened was — any of you guys ride bikes?” he explained. “Well, some of them have this thing you put your toe in, constrains your foot so it doesn’t fall off the pedals. I was getting off the bike and it got stuck on the right side.”
The Global Times, an official Chinese Communist Party outlet, did not address the situation in Delaware. In an article titled, “US seeks dialogue with China to ease inflation pressure, ‘lifting additional tariffs is not a gift for bargaining …

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